Sudan’s Horn

  • Sudan is the world’s last male northern white rhino who passed away in March 2018. Revolving around Sudan’s horn, the symbol of a rhino’s life, this story reflects the complex relationship between human beings and wildlife. The author and illustrator did extensive research and visited Sudan himself in Kenya in 2016. This picture book epic has sold over 50,000 copies in China, and touched readers of all ages. It has won numerous awards, including the First Prize of the prestigious Feng ZiKai Chinese Children’s Picture Book Award 2021.

  • Yun DAI (Writer) is an author of children’s picture books. She grew up in China, studied and worked in Australia, and currently lives in Singapore. She approaches her stories with a precious combination of empathy, imagination, critical thinking and light humor. Yun’s books have won a number of important national awards in China, and have been translated into French, Danish and Arabic. She is also the author of Where Do We Go? (featured on next page).

    Xingming LI (illustrator) is a young illustrator born in 1993. His work is famous in China and his drawings have been published frequently. Li Xingming was also awarded Designnova Award for Innovation Design.

  • Publishing Time: Jun 2019

    Dimension: 32 pages, 250×250mm

    Age Group: 3-6

    Rights Sold: USA


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