Where Are You Going?

Selected for the BRAW Amazing Bookshelf (BCBF) 2023

  • The protagonist of the story, a little boy, is an intellectually disabled child. His way of communicating with the world is very simple;”Where are you going?” is all he asks. Although ignored by those around him at first, his simple way with life and communication helps guide a prince, a princess, and a sorcerer, and even attracts other playmates. From being alone, the little boy soon finds himself included and surrounded by kindness. 

  • Li CHANG (writer) is a children's literature writer, and doctor of literature. He is currently an associate professor at the School of Humanities of Zhejiang Normal University and a tutor for master's students in children's literature. 

    Fan ZHANG (illustrator) studied sculpture from 2010 to 2015, and began to paint and to create picture books. His work, SUBWAY, won the Gold prize in GLOBAL ILLUSTRATION AWARD original picture book unit in Frankfurt Book Fair, Ananas Grand Jury Prize in 2019 BIBF, and was selected in NAMI CONCOURS 2019 in Korea. The work THE FLOWER won the gold prize in GOLDEN PINWHEEL young illustrators competition in 2017. 

  • Publishing Time: Mar 2022

    Dimension: 40 pages, 248×275mm

    Age Group: 3-6

    Rights Sold: All rights available


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