Hang The Sun

  • Soccer is the world’s most popular sport, even among the animals!

    When the animal friends get together for a game, they decide to see who can kick the ball the highest. Elephant’s kick goes so far it even knocks the sun out of the sky. The earth turns cold without the shining sun, so the friends embark on an adventure to try to replace it, though to no avail. How will they find the sun again, and how will they get it back up to the sky?

    This is a wonderfully bizarre picture book, humorous, yet touches on themes like friendship and inclusion. The characters are delightfully quirky and each dynamic in their own way.

  • Bing BAI (writer) is a famous children's literature writer, editor-in-chief of Jieli Publishing House. His works have won many awards, such as Book Award of Chinese Government for Publication, National Award for Outstanding Children's Literature, Bing Xin's Children's Literature New Book Award and Chen Bochui Award for Children's Literature,etc. His works If and Writing to the Clouds, published by The People's Education Press, has been selected into the Chinese language textbooks for primary and middle schools.

    Rong LI (illustrator)

  • Publishing Time: Mar 2014


    Age Group: 3-6

    Rights Sold:


Magpie's Nest


Panda Hi